Macster's Musings: Valentines and the Battle of Singles vs Couples

It's Valentine's Day today, or as we single guys like to call it, Monday.  My entry from last year basically sums up my feelings on February and Valentine's.  If you've forgotten it or can't remember what I said then, you can refresh your memory here:

If you're a single, Valentine's truly does seem irrelevant if it's during the week. Even couples aren't really excited about spending a nice night out on a weekday.  You can't pull a romantical romp all nighter, right?  I mean, you can, but Tuesday won't be very fun.  When Valentine's Day falls on a non-weekend, it's easy not to think about it at all.  Just another day at the office. Unlike on weekends, it's not shoved in your face because you're not heading out like you would be on a Friday or Saturday night.  You're not going out to restaurants packed with just couples.  Sure, some people will be walking down the street with flowers and some women in your office might receive some gifts midday.  But there's not much else to remind you that it's UCD (Universal Couple Day) aka Single Awareness Day which coincidentally spells SAD.  Ah, but then there's Facebook and Twitter.  You'll see plenty of status updates and tweets about what Awesome Boyfriend did for Girlfriend.  Or what Super Husband did for Doting Wife.  But who cares?

Well, single women care.  It's unfortunate because Valentine's really should be a day of celebration for couples and shouldn't affect anybody else.  But it does.  Single women either pretend they don't care or openly complain about the commemoration.  And I give props to the girls that complain.  At least they're not pretending.  Of course, this is a generality.  Some girls really don't care.  But they're few and far between and not as numerous as some would like you to believe.  There's a solution to this though.  Go out!  Just because it's Valentine's doesn't mean you can't go out and get some!  If you're out on Valentine's, whomever you see out is looking for the exact same thing as you. Someone to spend it with.  So take advantage ladies, you have the pick of the litter.  Think of it in this optimistic view instead of sitting inside watching Oxygen and eating ice cream.  As a single dude, Valentine's has no relevance to us whatsoever.  Maybe it's because we don't have a biological clock.  Or maybe it's because women have always slanted more to the emotional side than men.  Who knows?  All I know is today is February 14th and the relevance to me was that Giants pitchers and catchers reported for Spring Training, hence signaling the beginning of the baseball season.

But speaking of love and relationships, here are some other Macster Musings...

Am I the only one that finds myself disheartened when a celebrity crush starts dating someone new or gets married?   I find myself sad when, say, Amanda Seyfried starts dating another actor.  Dammit!  Now I have NO chance.  On the flipside, when a celebrity marriage falls apart or a relationship ends, I start feeling warm and fuzzy.  Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds divorced!?  Vanessa Hudgens is single!?  Oh my God, here's my chance, just let me meet them!  Completely irrational thoughts, but I have to believe I'm not the only one that experiences these things.

The one observation I notice the most is the great divide that exists between singles and couples.  They are complete opposites.  Singles want completely different things than couples.  Couples always want to go to low key bars and act all responsible.  Singles want to go to the bars with the most people and they want to get fucked up and hit on anything that meets their fancy. Couples want to enjoy a nice day by holding hands and walking around. Singles want to go out day drinking and to rage.  Couples always want to drag singles into their world.  They want you to start dating someone so they can add you to their couple events.  If you're single, couples treat you like an outcast.  What's wrong with you?  How are you not dating someone!?  Guess what couples, some singles LIKE being single.  We don't need to be domesticated quite yet.  We've seen the way you are and we're not exactly envious.

That's the other thing, couples have friends that are couples.  Chris Rock was pretty on point when he mentioned how girls try to hook up their boyfriends and husbands with their friends boyfriends and husbands.  It's the way of the world.  Mostly because singles are out having fun while couples are indoors watching Netflix.  But I've noticed this personally as my number of girl friends have tailed off dramatically as their relationships have become more serious.  And it got me thinking, how many opposite sex friendships are there?  How many times does my father go out to dinner or coffee with a woman besides my mother?  How often do my married friends go out with other women?  The answer is almost never.  Which makes me feel I wasted a lot of my years fostering girl friendships that never led to sex and will be completely abandoned at some point anyways.  Lesson learned.

But I can't say I'm completely impervious to the notion of marriage and relationships.  While the routine of it does scare me, there's also a certain comfortability and familiarity about them.  I can't say any of my friends that have been locked down are unhappy.  And while I mourn the slow death of our immature hijinks, I can say that their own relationships have helped me mature as they have matured.  How much so is to be debated, but there's no denying when your friends are put on lockdown (by choice mind you), you're similarly affected.  But that's how couples function, no?  They slowly lure you into their web.  And before you know it, you've become one of them!  Or you just meet more single buddies...

So Happy Valentine's Day.  Enjoy each other.  Enjoy the gifts and love spread by your spouse or Sig-O.  But don't forget to hit the hay early.  It's a school night after all.

My Name is Macster and I Love This Message




  1. I want to apologize for any harm I have done in introducing you to my single girlfriends. I will be sure to never do that again in an effort to keep you out of our couples web now that I know how desperately you want to avoid it.


  2. "So take advantage ladies, you have the pick of the litter." Except you just spent the rest of your blog explaining why this is not so. Guys don't care. Women are too emo. Singles like staying single. Blah blah blah. The picks of said litters are not out tonight.

    Suggested rewrite: "So take advantage guys, it's like shooting fish in a barrel." The ladies you'll find out tonight, with the exception of boozehounds and the rare bird avoiding commitment (or both), are exceptionally vulnerable and especially agreeable to be seen walking around with ANY man on their arm. It's akin to going out on cold rainy nights when couples are comfortable snuggled up at home watching TV - it's the single people who've dragged their ass downtown... i.e. it's barrel time. Bang bang!


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