Rebranded, Relaunched, Renewed, and Remote
Welcome back my friends. In preparation for a year abroad traveling and working remote in 12 different countries in 12 months (and who knows what after those 12 months) I have decided to give this blog thing another go. Of course, my blogging never fully ceased as I've kept up the SFGiantsGuy blog here and there and will continue to overanalyze and belittle my favorite team over yonder so feel free to subscribe to it if you want my takes on our rebuilding squad. However, I had been wanting to relaunch this blog for a long while and when I decided to pursue this opportunity to work and travel internationally for a year I figured this was as good as time as any to revamp it. Whereas the old Macster Uncensored was in a lot of ways a platform for me to try out some comedic writing and satire along with some cultural ranting this new and improved and potentially more mature and adult version of Uncensored will be more of a live journal of sorts. I'm sure I will still attemp...