Welcoming in the 2020 New Year in Valencia

Ay Dios Mio, I have neglected this temporary travel blog far beyond what I ever imagined, but I am determined to finish my recap of my Remote Year from 2019-2020 and with only two countries left to cover, I might as well get on it, even though it's been more than a year and a half since I was in Valencia, Spain. When tourists think of Spain, they typically don't think about Valencia. They think about Barcelona or Madrid or perhaps they think about running with the bulls in Pamplona. For those in the know, maybe they think about Mallorca (Majorca), the beautiful Mediterranean Island where tennis superstar Rafa Nadal calls home. I, like most American tourists I assume, was not very familiar with Valencia prior to our landing there. I knew it was by the ocean and that it allegedly housed the Holy Grail, the one Indiana Jones allegedly found in The Last Crusade, but other than that, I basically just knew it was in Spain. I wound up liking Valencia quite a bit. I could have lived on...