Chilling out in Kuala Lumpur and Partying in Bali

In case you didn't know, all the cool kids call Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, "KL". I didn't know that before Remote Year but now I'm one of the cool kids. I'm not going to lie, when I looked at the itinerary for my potential Polaris journey for a year abroad, Malaysia was one country where I sort of shrugged my shoulders and went "eh". I also thought that about Peru initially and Peru wound up blowing my mind and is definitely one of the countries I'd love to revisit. I wish I could say the same for Malaysia but it turns out this stop went about as expected. I was told to expect amazing cuisine and fast internet and an amazing digital nomad atmosphere. I was told to expect the city to be awesome and the apartments to be among the best, if not THE best, on all of Remote Year. Well, they got one thing right. My apartment WAS amazing. And I hardly left it. It's a running joke in Polaris that I never left our apartment building but that isn't ...