We've Made It A Third Of The Way Through!?
They say time flies when you're having fun. This Remote Year Polaris journey couldn't prove that statement to be any more accurate. We're nearly finished with our first Southeast Asian stop (Hanoi, Vietnam) which means we have nearly completed five months of this 12 month jaunt. That's crazy talk. It feels like just yesterday I was having farewell get togethers with my friends and family and packing up my belongings and shipping off to Lima. How are we just several weeks from being halfway done? Insanity. If anyone knows me knows me they know I can be quite introspective and reflective in times of solidarity when I'm not playing my normal jovial, extroverted, and sarcastic self. With four full months in the books and legitimately being one-third of the way through Remote Year, these are some of my thoughts and feelings and takeaways so far: One, and I can't stress this enough, I am so happy I chose to do the 12 month program instead of one of the 4 month pr...