Adios Santiago

The 2nd leg of this journey has been completed. Unlike our initial stop on this world tour where I fell in love with a city in Lima and adored my time in Peru overall, unfortunately not all cities are created equal. I never felt a connection to Santiago the way I did with Lima. I can for sure blame myself for part of this. I was less motivated to explore and to really immerse myself in the Chilean culture as I was in my first month of Remote Year. Even still though, many of my traveling companions admitted to feeling the same way. Was it burnout from feeling all the feels at the first stop? Was it because our group had gotten to know each other better and the honeymoon phase was waning? It's possible and even probable these factored into some of it. However, I just can't shake the feeling that Santiago just wasn't my city. When I left Lima to go to other areas of Peru, I missed Lima. I missed my home (in Miraflores). I was excited to get back into my life routines. I just...