Peru, tocaste mi corazón
It happened so fast. First month down in this 12 month journey abroad. Lima, I hardly knew you but I came to care about you quickly. To be totally honest, I did not know what to expect from Lima or Peru overall. I didn't know much about the country besides the fact it housed Machu Picchu and that the local liquor was Pisco. I learned so much more and came to appreciate my first home away from San Francisco. First, a quick highlight of what I experienced while in Peru for 27 days: Visited a legit desert oasis (Huacachina) where we sledded down massive sand dunes, toured around the city of Ica, wandered the desert for 12 hours, caught an epic desert sunset that felt like it was straight out of Lion King, and generally got sun and sandy. Feel free to watch my fellow traveler's awesome professional video of our experience HERE . My personal highlight: Traveled to the city of Nazca, learned about the history of the Nazca lines and the woman who loved and cared for them (Mari...