I'm Going to Snapchat What I Don't Want to Instagram and Post on Facebook

We live in a nutty time, in these 2010's. Phone apps have exploded to the point where you can pretty much find anything you want / need on your smart phone. There is literally an app for everything these days and if you can't find what you're looking for you can be damn sure there's someone somewhere building it. The app biz can be lucrative, a game changer for creators. If you come up with one good idea for an app and have the means to build it out you can become an overnight millionaire. I've been thinking a lot about apps lately and their influence and use. Specifically, the Big 3 in regards to pop culture use: Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat (don't worry, I'm not forgetting you Twitter, Tinder and Uber!). First off, let's take a closer look at these 3 and see how they barely differ yet are all billion dollar companies. I wrote awhile back how Facebook was the next Google (original blog entry here ). Well, Facebook is still here and...