Macster's Musings: Valentines and the Battle of Singles vs Couples
It's Valentine's Day today, or as we single guys like to call it, Monday. My entry from last year basically sums up my feelings on February and Valentine's. If you've forgotten it or can't remember what I said then, you can refresh your memory here: If you're a single, Valentine's truly does seem irrelevant if it's during the week. Even couples aren't really excited about spending a nice night out on a weekday. You can't pull a romantical romp all nighter, right? I mean, you can, but Tuesday won't be very fun. When Valentine's Day falls on a non-weekend, it's easy not to think about it at all. Just another day at the office. Unlike on weekends, it's not shoved in your face because you're not heading out like you would be on a Friday or Saturday night. You're not going out to restaurants packed with just couples. Sure, some pe...