Macster Musings: Summer in San Francisco is Here!
Summer in San Francisco has arrived. How do I know? Well, it's been shitty outside for 5 of the past 6 days, that's usually a telling sign. Today was amazingly gorgeous. I might have actually even got the semblance of the beginnings of microscopic indicators that a light tan might have taken place upon my body. Here in San Francisco, we have to take advantage of these sunny, nice days that most non-SF dwellers typically expect from a normal summer day because in San Francisco, they're few and far between. Our summer is in the fall (really just September and October) and if we want consistent summer sun we have to trek north, south, or east to the 'burbs to get it. San Francisco is an amazing city. But the summers suck. Mark Twain was credited (incorrectly, as it turns out) for the great quote "the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." We San Franciscans like to spout that quote to baffled tourists wearing shorts and t-shirts in 55...